What I’ve learned in my first year of business…
It has been an incredible year of making connections, learning new things, and figuring-out exactly what I want to do with LW Events. I started off 2017 thinking that I wanted to find a new way to meet with non-profits and provide them with my services at a more accessible cost, and it has morphed into something entirely different.
While I still want to be that resource for non-profits, the biggest thing I realized was that I can offer more than just event planning. I want to help non-profits take a look at plans for their whole year, set goals, and then decide if there are events that will help them achieve those goals, instead of the other way around. So much groundwork needs to be laid before the event planning process starts, and I want to be the person that helps non-profits meet their goals, whether it’s through an event or another way.
I’ve learned that social media, while extremely important, is not the only way to make new connections. I put so much time and energy into social media calendars, writing posts, and designing graphics, and while those are great, I’ve made more connections through 1:1 referrals and relationships than anything else. Joining networking groups, working with a business coach, and putting myself out there have been the most-effective ways that I’ve developed business in my first year.
I’ve worked with so many incredible people who have helped me streamline the way I think about the services I can offer, and I would not be where I am now without all of those conversations over coffee (or soy hot chocolate, in my case) or wine (sauvignon blanc, please).
Adam Lehman at The Wonder Jam was instrumental in clearing my brain of so many extra ideas and helping me focus on what I do best. Erin Scott, leader of the Bad Bish Network, helped me feel stronger with the support of so many women just wanting to see each other grow and achieve something big. Julie Zaveloff stepped-in with her creative graphics to help guide the messaging I put out there (and redesigned my logo, thank you very much!) Most importantly, my family has been incredibly supportive during this time of exploration. Whether it’s listening to me ramble-on about some crazy event-related situation or shifting around schedules to accommodate a late-night meeting or networking event, it’s really because of them that I decided to re-launch LW Events this time last year. Thank you to Ben, Harper, and our parents for your encouragement and support!
2018 is going to be an amazing year, and I can’t wait to share everything I’m doing with all of you! Be sure to subscribe to my monthly newsletter here: